Mine 2016
Mine is a 2016 psychological thriller war film written and directed by Fabio Guaglione and Fabio Resinaro, in their feature film directorial debuts. It stars Armie Hammer as a United States Marine who steps on a land mine during a botched mission and must remain still until help arrives. The film was released in the United States on April 7, 2017.
Mine 2016
However, en route to the village, Tommy steps on a land mine which blows off his legs. Moments later, Mike steps on another land mine, but realizes he has done so and avoids stepping off it. Tommy, hoping to prevent Mike from giving him medical attention (and thereby injuring himself), kills himself with his pistol.
Mike is visited several times by a Berber, who long ago lost one of his legs as well as his only daughter to a land mine he had intended to take and sell to enemy soldiers. The Berber, who speaks some English, urges Mike to step off the mine and move forward with life. He insists that Mike is a lucky man, after surviving a night attack by desert dogs while simultaneously managing to keep his foot still on the same place.
Mike is later attacked by enemy insurgents, who had traced him to his current location, but is able to fight them off. Mike then reluctantly decides to accept the Berber's advice, having grown weary of his predicament. He steps off the mine, only for it not to explode. He digs and discovers that what he had assumed to be an explosive was actually just a tin can with a little toy soldier inside of it. He sets off a flare and is finally rescued. Back in the United States, he reunites with his girlfriend, to whom he finally proposes.
Mine was released in Italy on 6 October 2016 by Eagle Pictures.[7] It was released on April 7, 2017 in the United States by Well Go USA Entertainment,[8] and in United Kingdom by Universal Pictures.[9]
When the two stumbles across a mine field warning sign floating around the desert, Mike becomes worried while Tommy believes it could have come from anywhere, continuing their mission Tommy detonates a mine while Mike finds himself stood on one not being able to move.
Director : Fabio Guaglione + Fabio ResinaroYear Of Release : 2016Principal Cast : Armie Hammer, Annabelle Wallis, Tom Cullen, Clint Dyer, Geoff Bell, Juliet Aubrey, Ines Pinar Mille, Luka Peros, Daniel Sandoval.Approx Running Time : 106 MinutesSynopsis: After a failed assassination attempt during a mission in North Africa, US soldier Mike Stevens finds himself trapped on a land mine. If he moves, the mine will explode. Exposed to the desert elements, he must survive the dangers of the desert and battle the psychological and physical toll of the treacherous conditions, remaining motionless for two days waiting for help.
From fiscal years 2010 through 2014, the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Department of Agriculture's Forest Service approved 68 mine plans of operation. The length of time it took the agencies to approve the mine plans ranged from about 1 month to over 11 years, and averaged approximately 2 years. Of the 68 approved mine plans, 13 had not begun operations as of November 2015. Agency officials attribute this to difficulties mine operators may face, such as obtaining other required federal and state permits.
BLM and Forest Service officials GAO interviewed said they experienced 13 key challenges that affected the length of time to review hardrock mine plans. The two most frequently cited were (1) the low quality of information operators provided in their mine plans and (2) the agencies' limited allocation of resources for their hardrock mining programs. To address the low quality of information in mine plans, some BLM and Forest Service officials held pre-mine plan submittal meetings with operators. However, officials do not always do so because BLM does not have specific guidance on how to implement these meetings, and Forest Service does not have any guidance instructing them to do so. Federal standards for internal control state that management should ensure there are adequate means of communicating with, and obtaining information from, external stakeholders that may have a significant impact on the agency achieving its goals. Without taking further actions to improve the quality of mine plan submissions, BLM and the Forest Service may be missing opportunities to help expedite the review process. To address the limited allocation of resources, BLM and Forest Service officials are leveraging existing resources by collaborating with other agencies, among other actions, but neither agency has fully used its authority to collect fees for conducting mine plan reviews as authorized by law. In addition, Forest Service is not authorized to retain these fees, as BLM is, but has not proposed the legislative changes that would allow it to retain fees, as is suggested by Office of Management and Budget guidance. BLM officials said the agency has not prioritized cost recovery for certain types of environmental analyses, and Forest Service officials were unaware of these authorities. By not using these authorities, BLM and Forest Service may be missing opportunities to expedite the mine plan review process.
The Mining Law of 1872 encouraged development of the West by opening up federal land to exploration, extraction, and development of hardrock minerals such as gold, silver, and copper. Because mining creates the potential for serious health, safety, and environmental hazards, BLM and the Forest Service have processes for reviewing mine plans submitted by operators to help prevent and mitigate these hazards. A mine plan details the proposed mine's operations, such as the methods for mining and reclaiming the site once operations have concluded.
GAO was asked to assess the mine plan review process. This report examines (1) the number of mine plans BLM and the Forest Service approved from fiscal years 2010 through 2014, among other things, and (2) challenges that have affected the length of time for BLM and the Forest Service to complete the review process, as well as actions these agencies have taken to address these challenges. GAO obtained and analyzed mine plan review data from fiscal years 2010 through 2014, and interviewed agency officials in 23 offices, representing the 12 western states where hardrock mining occurs. The results are not generalizable to all locations conducting mine plan reviews.
GAO recommends, among other things, that the agencies take actions to improve the quality of mine plan submissions and seek additional recovery of the costs associated with conducting mine plan reviews. The agencies generally concurred with these recommendations.
Washington, D.C. - Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet today urged Interior Secretary Sally Jewell to complete the Trapper Mine Environmental Assessment before the April 30th deadline. Bennet stressed the importance of the mine's continued operations to the local economy.
In a letter to Secretary Jewell, Bennet wrote, "Coal mining, electricity generation and associated industries comprise many of the region's largest employers, making substantial contributions to the local economy. The Trapper Mine alone employs 180 people. The mine also provides fuel for the nearby Craig Power Generating Station, which produces a significant amount of baseload electricity."
I write to encourage your continued diligence to complete the court-ordered Environmental Assessment at the Trapper Mine in northwest Colorado. As you know, the analysis must be completed by the deadline of April 30, 2016 to ensure that Trapper's operations can continue uninterrupted.
Coal mining, electricity generation and associated industries comprise many of the region's largest employers, making substantial contributions to the local economy. The Trapper Mine alone employs 180 people. The mine also provides fuel for the nearby Craig Power Generating Station, which produces a significant amount of baseload electricity.
The Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering offers an engineering program containing aspects of mineral science, engineering, and technology that is professionally related to the minerals industry. Graduates of this program find domestic and international employment opportunities with hardrock, coal, industrial minerals, and construction aggregates producers, as well as with government agencies and equipment vendors.
The mining engineering curriculum utilizes the basic and engineering sciences to develop the various areas of activity of the mining engineer: mineral exploration, evaluation, development, extraction, mineral processing, conservation, protection of the environment, and mineral economics. Course work in these areas provides a unique background for engineering and management positions in industry and government, as well as for continuation of specialized graduate studies.
The program has an emphasis on the application of computers to mining and minerals processing operations. Furthermore, it exposes students to laboratory courses which focus on conducting experiments, understanding the principles involved in each experiment, and analyzing and interpreting experimental data.Information on the mission, goals, and curriculum of the program is continuously updated on the departmental website.
2514: MINING SURVEYINGSpecialized principles of field surveying as applied to thedelineation of mineral deposits and the design andmonitoring of surface and underground mining operations.Introduction to surveying instruments, field techniques,computation procedures and mapping.Pre: (MATH 1224 or MATH 2204 or MATH 2204H), (ENGE 1024 or ENGE 1215).(3L,1C)II.
2524: ELEMENTS OF MINE DESIGNBasic concepts used in the modeling and design of miningsystems including basic statistical concepts, sampling,geological and geostatistical modeling of ore bodies, orereserve estimation, and selection of basic mine developmentmethods.Pre: 2504, GEOS 1004.(2H,3L,3C)II. 041b061a72